

meeting the coach

Finding the right coach

Deciding how and when to engage a professional coach may not feel straight forward. Your readiness to invest the time and effort to a coaching program might be triggered by one of several work or career crossroads. Are you looking to expand your leadership capabilities, improve your performance under pressure, or reassess your career direction? …

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Coaching vs other intervention types

Coaching in healthcare – Why should you give it a try?

To be offered a professional coaching program in the corporate sector is to be valued and targeted as a potential or already high-performing individual contributor or leader. The potential for the same level of professional development investment in professional coaching, to further support and enable clinicians and other health care professionals, is slowly being realised. …

Coaching in healthcare – Why should you give it a try? Read More »

Professional coaching and the Australian healthcare sector

Professional coaching in the Australian healthcare sector is still relatively new. Progressive clinicians and healthcare professionals in the United States and the United Kingdom are more likely to engage professional coaching than their Australian peers, and the benefits that come from being coached may not be as well understood in Australia. When most people hear …

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